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Print your own Meiziya Name Card


Meiziya Logo

MZY Logo Gold DownloadMZY Logo Horizontal Download


Step 1 :

Download the PDF and AI files below.
下载以下PDF 和 AI 文件。

Meiziya KL:
KL Name card PDF
KL Name Card AI
Meiziya Ipoh:
Ipoh Name card PDF
Ipoh Name Card AI


Step 2 :

Send the above downloaded PDF & AI files to your printer and ask the printer to modify part A, B, C to your own details.
发送以上已下载的 PDF 和 AI 文件给您的印刷商,要求印刷商修改 A,B,C 的部分为您自己的资料。


Step 3 :

Send the following name card printing specs to the printer, and you will get a standard Meiziya name card!
发送以下名片印刷规格 (Printing Specs) 给印刷厂,完成印制后就可以获得标准的美之雅名片!

Name Card Printing Specs 名片印刷规格 :
Size: 9cm X 5cm
Color: 4C
Side: 1 Sided / Single Sided